WATERPROOF – Nederlandse Waterkracht Wereldwijd
Water Partner Foundation presented on 8 April 2010 the latest international developments and insight on water governance during the so called WATER PROOF event.

The presentation inclu­ded the result from an international comparative analysis of water governance regimes in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Mr. Patrick Huntjens was invited on behalf of Water Partner Foundation to present in the Water Governance Worldwide session called ‘Tour de Governance’, hosted by Mr. Bert Satijn.

The WATERPROOF event was organized by ‘Partners for Water’, which is a joint initiative of six departments of the Government of the Netherlands aiming to strengthen the international position of the Dutch water sector by uniting forces (private sector, public sector, non-profit sector and knowledge institutes).

The WATERPROOF event invited a wide range of international water professionals During this event the participants could learn from practical experiences, meet new collaboration partners and explore new markets to make their ambitions ‘WATERPROOF’. With 350 participants the event proved to be very successful.

More information: http://www.waterproof-evenement.nl/

Download presentation: http://www.waterproofevenement.nl/werkplaats_10/3_Patrick_Huntjens.pdf